
Thursday, November 17, 2022


When I first started playing golf 20 years back, I hit that shot that soared into the air, and I experienced the adrenaline surge and dopamine hit that accompanied it. The search for that feeling never goes away and there, you are bitten by the bug. Especially, when you are driving from the tee, you get the feeling that, it was like hitting a six in the game of Cricket! That is simply amazing. In fact, playing Cricket 🏏 in the formative years helped me to play golf.

Whether you have been playing golf for one week or your entire lifetime, you have probably picked up on the fact that it can be quite addictive. Regardless of your ability, the way that this game continues to bring you back week after week is pretty remarkable. When you are playing a good round golf you are in a meditative state, because unlike any other sports, in golf you are hitting a stationary ball, and you have plenty of walk between each shot and you have tendency to bring back some parasitic thoughts, especially when you are attempting for a difficult next shot from a bad lie. Golf is all about hitting shots and being creative.

#bishigolf #leftygolfer #ilovethisgame #bishiart

Friday, September 30, 2022

The golf is only the game of regrets ?

As Bobby Jones, an American πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ amateur golfer, once said, Golf ⛳️ is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots - but you have to play the ball where it lies. This is what happened to me last week I was playing the HΓ©ritage World cup regional qualification to Mauritius at Disney golf in Paris, my game sucked, practice round was better. When I arrived at hole 16, a par 4, there was very strong head wind against us , I drove to the right but my ball went to the left in to the water hazard as shown in the photo, 

and it stayed on the greasy mud at the edge of the hazard, somehow in deep inside me, intuitive, I was telling me I am gonna make to green from this hazard, my flight mates were on the fairway and they played their shots and I asked one of my flight mates, Thomas Lochet to film my shot, I took my 7 iron, scooped the ball from the mud to 135 meters to the green against very strong wind and and it fall on to the green 3 meters to the hole πŸ•³, while I was walking to the green, I was very confident to birdie this hole, so I asked again Thomas to film my putting and it was a birdie as I expected. That’s golf, every πŸ… has its day πŸ˜ƒ I still don’t know why I felt like to document the whole thing πŸ«’πŸ˜ƒ. #ilovethisgame